Thursday, October 25, 2007

Exercises in futility

I just came back from half a day at the Wichita Parole Center learning the new ways to track felons on the computer and obtain information on them for use in preparing their parole plans. It is quite a complex procedure that can be of help to them if applied conscientiously and with an understanding of the complexities of their lifestyles. Unless you have worked in this environment it is difficult to realize how different they and their thought processes are. Cognitive change is the magic mantra this year and we are avidly pursuing it in the hope that it will be the magic bullet to reduce recidivism. So many silver bullets fired - so many werewolves remain among us.
Had a little success with an attempt to get city hall to move on a problem that I, and some neighbors, had. Nothing major but it gave me a glimmer of hope that if I apply myself and get off of my butt instead of fussing to myself and spouse, I can make a small dent in things in this small town. I am currently happy with my aluminum bullets - a long way from silver, but better than nothing.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First shot

Having just created this blog yesterday, I guess it is appropriate that I send something out into the world. I am the Rick half of the group - a 64 y.o. lad living on what passes for a hill in Kansas with my wife and four cats. If that has attracted your attention you might wish to seek therapy.
I am a Corrections Counselor at a men's state prison and am starting to get interested in local, small town politics. Currenly, I am on the laptop in the living room trying to ignore "Dancing with the Stars?" Who knows what tomorrow will bring -or will there be a tomorrow?